
The Importance of Routine Cleaning in Workplaces to Prevent the Spread of Covid-19

03 December 2020

There are two common ways of how COVID-19 can spread around a community or area. First, a person can be infected by the virus if they interact closely with a person who has the virus. An infected person can easily release respiratory droplets that contain strains of the virus as they cough, sneeze, speak, or breathe heavily. And once these droplets reach other people, then there is a high chance that healthy people and others around them can get sick after a few days or weeks.

The COVID-19 virus can also be transmitted to other people through touching surfaces that contain infected respiratory droplets. Under favourable conditions, some of these droplets can survive for more than a day, which can be alarming if cleaning protocols are ignored on some public spaces and workplaces. Frequently touched surfaces such as doorknobs, tables, handrails, keyboards, taps, and light switches have a high chance of obtaining these contagious droplets.

Performing Routine Cleaning in Workplaces

Given the way COVID-19 spreads, workplaces must maintain cleanliness all the time. And if it is possible, workplaces are recommended to undergo routine cleaning regularly.

Routine cleaning lives by the principles of cleaning and disinfection. Cleaning entails the physical removal of germs, dirt, and other particles from surfaces. Disinfection, alternatively, is done to effectively eliminate germs and microorganisms on the same surfaces. Cleaning must be done first before disinfection to ensure that the disinfectants used for the latter process can be effective and efficient. With the current COVID-19 situation, the combination of these processes can prevent the spread of the disease.

Ideally, all the cleaning activities in workplaces should be conducted every day. Frequently touched surfaces such as tabletops, door handles, light switches, desks, toilets, taps, kitchen surfaces, and others must be cleaned and disinfected on a regular basis. Other surfaces and fittings must also be cleaned and disinfected regularly, especially if they are used or touched repeatedly by different people.

Procedures Involved in Routine Cleaning

When performing routine cleaning, those who will conduct the cleaning procedures must wear gloves all the time. These gloves must be discarded after use to avoid contracting any viruses and germs. Once the gloves are removed, they must wash their hands with soap and water properly. Eye protection and face masks can also be used for more critical cleaning and disinfection procedures.

All surfaces that are previously mentioned must be cleaned with detergent and water. Afterwards, the application of disinfectant must be done to ensure that germs and respiratory droplets will be removed. These elements must be applied with the use of disposable paper towel or cloth. Non-disposable cloths can also be used. However, they must be washed and dried first before reusing them again.

The time allotted for the disinfectant to remain on a surface should span for about 10 minutes. You can likewise prefer to the instructions set by the manufacturer. Take note that different types of disinfectants should not be used and mixed together. They must also be stored in a safe and secure place.

If you want to know more about routine cleaning, you can give us a call at Australian Commercial Maintenance. We endeavour to establish ourselves as one of the most respected, valued, and reliable cleaning companies in Victoria if not Australia.


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