The public bathrooms are used often throughout each day by a large number of individuals. There is a possibility that hundreds or even thousands of individuals will use a single public lavatory in a single day in places with heavy foot traffic, such as restaurants and airports. It is extremely important to keep a clean and safe public restroom available to staff and customers, but how can you ensure that your restroom stays clean? How exactly should one go about cleaning the urinals, toilets, and even the fixtures?

When you engage a commercial cleaning company like Australian Commercial Maintenance, you can have peace of mind knowing that your public bathrooms will be cleaned consistently, contributing to the happiness, health, and safety of your employees and the general public.

Yes, It’s Important to Keep the Public Restrooms Clean

The cleanliness of public bathrooms, including their lack of germs and bacteria, may be ensured by commercial cleaning agencies. It won’t take long for employees, customers, and guests to lose interest in a business with unclean restrooms that aren’t adequately kept. The cleanliness of your restrooms is extremely important, not only for the health of your visitors but also for the happiness of your customers. Keeping your public restrooms clean is important for a variety of reasons, including the following:

Keeping The Spread of Infectious Diseases

Germs that might cause sickness can pass from person to person very fast, especially in public restrooms where many people touch the same surfaces. It would help if you focused on maintaining a clean public toilet to protect the health of your employees and customers. The flu is a contagious disease that can be passed from one person to another when a sick individual touches a surface in a public toilet contaminated with the virus. In public restrooms, the air is frequently just moist enough for viruses and other infectious agents to grow and thrive on surfaces like toilets, sinks, and other fixtures. Maintaining high standards of hygiene will assist in lowering the risk of spreading these diseases.

Sanitary Requirements

Keeping the toilets clean is perhaps one of the most critical aspects of maintaining a sanitary environment in the restrooms of your place of business. Every customer expects these to be clean and sanitary. You don’t want your employees and customers to fear using the facilities at your business; rather, you want them to feel enthused about visiting your establishment.

Maintaining Excellent Restroom Condition

Maintaining proper hygiene is another important step in maintaining the cleanliness of public restrooms. Dirt, mildew, and mould may all contribute to the deterioration and staining of your sinks, toilets, and floors. You can maintain the excellent condition of your public bathroom by keeping the surrounding area clean and hygienic.

Helpful for Business Establishments

Are businesses more successful when they have clean bathrooms? Australians have this view because they prefer to patronise businesses that maintain clean restrooms. The cleanliness of a business’s restrooms is often one of the first things a customer notices about that business. When the restrooms at your place of business are clean, it gives off the impression that your company is competent and professional. However, the opposite is true when the restrooms are unclean. Customers’ faith in your company is enhanced, and they are more likely to remain as patrons of your establishment if the restrooms are tidy and up to code.

Let us clean your public bathrooms. Contact us to know how!

Professional cooks have kept grills spotless for decades, thanks to grill bricks. As a less hazardous alternative to using wire grill brushes, bricks for the grill are quickly gaining favour among home grill masters due to their low cost and ease of usage.

Bricks for the grill, instead of wire brushes, do not collect carbon or food aromas, do not become clogged with grease, and do not shed tiny bits of metal when used. Additionally, they are better for public health and the natural environment. In addition, using these helpful hints will elevate your barbeque to a level that sets it apart from all the others.

What Exactly Is a Grill Brick?

Grill bricks are tiny blocks predominantly constructed of pumice stone and are utilized to remove oil and carbon buildup from different grills and griddles. Pumice has a mild abrasive quality, which makes it ideal for cleaning the most stubborn filth without harming or removing any non-stick coating. Pumice has this feature. When you use the grill brick, the pumice shatters into a fine grit that quickly loosens sticky food and oily filth. This requires minimal effort on your part. Bricks for the barbeque are all-natural, non-toxic, and eco-friendly. They may be reused several times before being disposed of without negatively influencing the environment.

How to Make Use of a Grill Brick

Place the grill brick on the surface of the cooking area, and then move it back and forth along the grate openings while applying just minimal pressure. This will result in grooves forming where the grill bricks come into contact with the grates. Raise the grill brick and position the tracks to correspond with the subsequent region to be cleaned. After cleaning, remove any lingering pumice dust from the grates by rinsing them or wiping them off with a damp paper towel. Learn about the many types of grill fuels if you start grilling.

Even little effort is required to clean a griddle. It is sufficient to line up one side of the skillet with one edge of the grill brick. It would help if you cleaned the griddle by moving from one side to the other while moving the grill brick back and forth from top to bottom. The next step is to rinse. Explore some further innovative suggestions for cleaning. You should be able to get at least six cleanings out of a single brick cleaning solution. However, at some point, you will need to have it replaced since each time a grill brick is used, it reaches a new surface level of wear and tear. If you buy in bulk, however, the cost of replacing grill bricks should be about comparable to the cost of replacing a grill brush on an annual basis.

Where Else Can You Purchase Grill Bricks?

Here at Australian Commercial Maintenance, you’ll find that Mako cleaning blocks are available for purchase.

To clean a dirty BBQ grill, hold a Mako cleaning block in your hand, position it against the grill, and then slide it firmly forwards and backward. It will astound you when you see how simple it is to remove oil and food that has been baked on. There is no need to worry about leaving a hazardous mess behind since Mako cleaning blocks are manufactured from one hundred per cent recyclable materials and do not include any chemicals that might harm the environment.

Call us today!

If there is one area where cleanliness must be prioritised, then that would be the public restrooms. Public restrooms, which can normally be found in offices, malls, restaurants, and other public or commercial areas, are often visited by people who need to get themselves clean. Without any cleaning and sanitation, these restrooms would be flocked with diseases and viruses.

Fortunately, most cleaning companies now offer cleaning services for public facilities like toilets so that people can be veered away from harmful diseases.

Main Reasons behind Toilet Problems and Issues

Some people know how to conduct basic cleaning etiquette, while others may just outright leave droplets and germs anywhere. Oftentimes, there will be some people who would just sneeze and cough without covering their mouths and noses. These same people may not even wipe the toilet surfaces after using them, leaving some bacteria and germs that can be passed on to the next user.

Aside from bacteria and germs, public toilets that are not cleaned for a very long time can attract a lot of dust and dirt. These toilets may also emit a foul odour as the residual wastes continue to accumulate over time. All these elements can contribute to the weakening of the people’s body, especially for those who cannot tolerate a high number of contaminants and pollutants on the air that they breathe.

The Importance of Public Toilet Cleaning Services

Whatever the case may be, cleaning services for public restrooms are highly recommended so that bacteria, germs, and other harmful pollutants can be removed. This type of service allows cleaning professionals to clean, sanitise, and disinfect toilets and other surfaces like taps and sinks that are typically found on public restrooms. With regular cleaning, the development of diseases out of germs and bacteria will be prevented. Ultimately, the transmission of contagious diseases like influenza and urinary tract infections can be reduced through public toilet cleaning services.

Aside from disease prevention, regular cleaning of public toilets allows people to feel safe and secured. Since these toilets are cleaned regularly, most people would not hesitate to use them. They are now much more comfortable in using a visibly clean restroom without the need to do certain time-consuming cleaning themselves. They will not even worry about inhaling dust, bad odour, and other elements that can trigger certain allergic reactions. From getting physically healthy, a clean public toilet can also ease one’s mind, which can be beneficial for their mental and emotional health.

Tasks Done with Toilet Cleaning Services

To maintain clean and sanitised public toilets, cleaning professionals would do certain tasks that can only be done with specific tools and products. They would remove debris and bodily soils like urine, faeces, and vomit so that any contagious pathogens will be eliminated. Another thing that they would do is to eliminate restroom odours by finding their source location. They would normally use stable active ingredients like hydrogen peroxide-based solutions to fight stinky odours and stains. Any grime scuff marks that can be found on the floor are also removed since they can also contribute to disease development. Watermarks and streaks from mirrors, sinks, countertops, and other surfaces will also be removed with a general glass and surface cleaner to maintain a clean environment.

If you want to have your public toilets cleaned, feel free to contact us now at Australian Commercial Maintenance. We are one of the most respected, valued, and reliable cleaning companies in Victoria as we offer tailored cleaning services with experienced and highly trained professionals.

The threat of COVID-19 is real. The transmission of this dreaded coronavirus can be done by inhaling the particles from an infected person who sneezes or coughs out in the open. Moreover, an individual can also get the said virus if he/she touches a contaminated surface or object.

The practice of social distancing can effectively decrease the chances of contracting the virus. However, this practice will be for naught if the public facilities and infrastructures are not cleaned and disinfected accordingly. So, it is recommended for authorities to hire council cleaning services to effectively fight and beat COVID-19 and other types of viruses and bacteria.

Council Cleaning Can Make a Difference

The presence of this pandemic has drastically changed the perspective of people towards cleaning and disinfection. A lot of us are now more aware of our surroundings and how we would typically interact in public. These specific changes may be a good thing, but this should not be the case in the first place. If only people put into practice basic cleanliness protocols even before this whole global crisis, then we might have fewer overall cases by now.

Fortunately, there are still numerous ways to mitigate this worldwide health problem. One of them is to perform council cleaning services. Hiring professionals that are engaged and fully knowledgeable in council cleaning can help destroy the disease. Through the help of special tools and cleaning agents, they know how to effectively remove and eradicate viruses, germs, and bacteria on the surfaces and objects found in public facilities.

The Benefits of Council Cleaning Services

The removal of viruses, germs, and bacteria alone in facilities is already a huge thing for disease prevention and control. Council cleaning services can be done on large facilities, office spaces, high-traffic areas, and even public restrooms. Professionals engaged in cleaning can disinfect and sanitise public doorknobs, taps, toilet seats, walls, handrails, elevator buttons, and many more.

As mentioned, council cleaning professionals have adequate knowledge and expertise in all the cleaning products. They undergo trainings and acquire certifications so that they can effectively remove all types of germs, dirt, stains, and harmful microbes without any mistakes. They also use the most suitable cleaning agents and tools in any given scenario and situations without compromising the safety of the environment.

Council cleaning professionals even offer continuous cleaning support for your public facilities. They know the urgency of keeping the places clean, especially during these difficult times. So, you can expect them to be available round-the-clock. After all, they are prepared to combat any type of dirt and germs just to provide the needed safety of everyone.

Australian Commercial Maintenance at Your Service

Council cleaning services are recommended to gradually reduce and eventually eradicate the virus on the face of the planet. With Australian Commercial Maintenance, you can expect high-quality service that is performed by experienced and highly trained professionals. We can readily provide the best quality cleaning and client service here in Australia.

Graffiti or street art in Australia has been acknowledged globally due to its diversity. Melbourne, the capital of Victoria and the second largest city in Australia, is flooded by street art that can mostly be found in inner suburbs and along the suburban railway and tram lines. While they may convey important social messages, they can drastically affect the personal appearance of your property. If your property has been affected by this activity, then it may need a great cleaning and washing.

A great way of giving your property a clean look is through pressure washing. Pressure washing uses a powerful hose that has water jets with 100 to 200 times the pressure of the air around us. These water jets can remove loose paint, dirt, grime, mould, mud, dirt, and many others from surfaces and objects such as buildings, vehicles, and concrete surfaces.

Pressure washing can be effective in removing graffiti as it can guarantee you tons of benefits.

Saves Time

When you pressure wash any residue of graffiti, you can expect to save a huge amount of time. With the correct type of pressure washer, the graffiti on your surface can be removed quickly. You may have disturbed some local graffiti artists in removing their craft easily, but it is also important for you to maintain cleanliness around your property and premises. In a short time, your property can bring back its respectable and professional look without any signs of overwhelming and invasive street art.

Prevents Repairs

Graffiti is usually made from polyurethanes, lacquers, enamels, oil paints, and many more. While they can also be used in coating walls and surfaces, some graffiti artists may not consider your property’s surface material. And when you don’t act quickly, your surface may end up deteriorating and getting severe damage since the elements used for graffiti may be harsh on your premises. With pressure cleaning, you can clean your property without causing more damage. Any risks of rotting and costly repairs are also prevented with this type of cleaning.

Promotes Health

Any signs of graffiti on your premises can physically and mentally affect the people around and inside your property. The build-up of pollen, pollutants, dust, algae, bird droppings and other dirty elements over your graffiti surfaces can be a great source of allergies or diseases. Moreover, the presence of these elements can bother and even distract some people. So, giving your property a healthy dose of pressure cleaning can improve the health condition of the people around and inside your vicinity.

Pressure cleaning your property with graffiti can be effective with the help of a chemical solvent solution. Once the graffiti paint is removed, the damage on your surface can be significantly reduced. To know more about pressure cleaning, you can give us a call at Australian Commercial Maintenance.